The stage is set for the race for the vacant Ward 2 city commission seat. Qualifying took place last week and closed at noon Friday. A total of four candidates threw their hats into the ring for the seat.
The first two candidates to qualify were Tonji Simpson and Mickeayla Clark. Simpson is a relative political newcomer while Clark has run for the Ward 2 seat once before. She challenged former Ward 2 commissioner Kentaiwon Durham in 2019.
Late in the week two other candidates qualified: Brenda Henderson Moore and Aveary Daniels. They waited until Friday morning to enter the election.Friday, July 26, 2024 – the final day of qualifying – did not end without controversy. Durham challenged Clark’s candidacy based on the residency requirements. The city charter states that anyone running for city commissioner must live in his or her district for 12 months before running. Durham alleged that Clark had not met those requirements and filed a challenge with the board of elections.
The board met Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. and heard evidence from both sides. While the charter does have a 12-month residency requirement, there is precedent in these kinds of cases that involves intent – a prospective candidate may not have to live in his or her district if there is evidence to suggest that the candidate intended to live there if special
circumstances existed. Clark effectively demonstrated to the board that there
were valid reasons why she was unable to live in Ward 2 but she intended to
live there once those issues were rectified.
The board upheld Clark’s candidacy and left the four-person race intact.
The election takes place Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – the same day as this year’s general election.