George Washington Carver Freshman Campus (GWCFC), along with other Coffee County Schools, was the recipient of the Striving Readers Grant, which is meant to improve literacy for students in twelfth grade and under. This allowed the students of GWCFC to pick out a book of their choosing from a variety of genres.
The Striving Readers Grant gifted the school over $300,000 to help increase student literacy. The money not only provided the funding for the book fair, but it also allowed for other necessary school items, computers, software, class books, internet access points, classroom supplies from paper to Post -It notes, and anything that could enhance the learning environment of the school.
The Scholastic Book Fair was brought to the school so that all students would have access to quality reading materials that fit their age and interests. The ultimate goal for the book fair was support to the school’s effort to encourage reading among young scholars. Topics offered ranged from Star Wars to horror and natural history to graphic novels and much more.
The book fair was open for students for a week, and it was decorated with pirate slogans and animals that would have looked familiar to any seafaring scoundrel. There was a sense of intrigue lingering in the library as the students filed in to search for the perfect book. Many had trouble choosing one book over another.
Selena Brigmond, a freshman at GWCFC, knows she made the right choice. She stated that she “appreciated the Scholastic Book fair… the book was very interesting.”
– Submitted by Vicki Kirkland, 9th grade student at George Washington Carver Freshman Campus