Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is January 16. We are planning to give back to our soldiers in honor of this day. We will be writing letters and making care kits to send and encourage our soldiers. Here is a list of items that we are collecting to send: small plush toys (6 inches or smaller and may be lightly used), socks (preferably black, brown, green, tan; not white), screen printed T-shirts, baseball style caps, gloves, hand and foot warmers, commercially sealed lip balm, toothpaste, toothbrushes, roll-on deodorant, individual packets of moist towelettes, travel size containers of foot powder, mini-battery-operated fans, energy bars, beef jerky, healthy snacks, single serving boxes of cold cereal; individual packets of hot cereal, commercially wrapped individual packets of trail mix, nuts, energy bars, sunflower seeds, candy, and/or packets of powdered hot or cold beverages. You can bring these items to your next club meeting or to the office before January 13. Please do your best to help us with this service project, and we will give you 10 points for donating.
We have scheduled another 4-H Coca-Cola Truckload Sale and Krispy Kreme Donut Sale to help 4-H member raise money to cover their camp cost this year. The sales begin now and will end on Monday, January 30. All order forms and money are due by 4 p.m. on Monday, January 30. The drinks and donuts can be picked up at the 4-H office from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15. For each case of drinks a 4-H member sells, $3 will be applied to their camp fee. For each dozen of donuts they sell, $2 will be applied to their camp fee. The more they sell, the lower their camp fee will be. 4-H parents need to pick up an order form from the 4-H office today.
Our monthly visitation for Pet Therapy will be held on Tuesday, January 17, from 4 to 4:30 p.m. at Manor House Assisted Living Center. 4-H members are invited to come and bring a friendly pet for visitation. Please make sure that the pet is current with its vaccinations. Animals should be brought in the door at the rear of the building to avoid taking them through the dining areas. Please don’t leave Manor House until we get our group photo at 4:30 p.m.
If you have questions about the Coffee County 4-H Club program, or questions around the farm or home, please feel free to contact the Coffee County Extension office at (912) 384-1402. Remember, we are YOUR local connection to the University of Georgia.
– Submitted by Kevin D. Tatum, Coffee County Extension Coordinator