Coffee Middle School continues to make headlines – for all the right reasons.
CMS Principal Sherri Berry represented CMS at the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principal’s Conference in Savannah on Sunday and Monday. She had a 20-minute presentation on Sunday and a 12-minute presentation on Monday where she was able to showcase the progress that CMS has made over the last few years.
At the award luncheon on Monday, Mrs. Berry received a ring for being the Middle School Principal of the Year and a plaque for CMS being a Breakout Middle School. The Principal of the Year program annually recognizes outstanding school leaders who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students. These principals are acknowledged by their peers for the exemplary contributions they have made to the profession.
CMS also received an acrylic plaque for being recognized as a Distinguished Middle School. An $800 check went along with the Distinguished Middle School Award. The check has been deposited in the student and staff incentive account.