By Angie Tyler, Office Manager CRH Cardiology Group
Kindness involves taking a genuine interest in the welfare of others. What is COVID Kindness?
When this virus arrived on the scene of our homes, offices, hospitals, and places of worship, we were all afraid. This invisible enemy was threatening us and we had to plan our attack not having much information about our threat. We came together and we strategized, formed a task force, used our resources, and embarked on a journey to save lives! That in itself was remarkable.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I saw something amazing happening right before my eyes. Our hearts were heavy and our minds loaded, but kindness, in a rare form had arrived to fight this battle with us. Administration came up with processes to protect staff and patients. Physicians changed the way they practice medicine in order to keep patients safe but give them the medical attention they need. All staff took reductions in pay or hours in order to keep our heads above water, as we worked even harder than we had before.
As you walked down the halls of the hospital, everyone took a moment to lift their head, if only to give a smile that you recognized by the crinkling of their mask. When you entered into any store wearing scrubs or anything that identified you as a medical professional, the gratitude was obvious. If that was not enough, the community said, “Don’t forget us, we are in this fight with you.” Individuals and businesses donated funds, provided fresh food, catered onsite lunches, made cloth masks and gowns, donated services such as car washes, and the list goes on and on.
The outpouring of support from everyone, even those community members we caregivers had never met, was overwhelming. “Thank you for your service” is an expression of appreciation that will now include all of those who have been on the frontline fighting to save lives and those who supported us. At a time of extreme uncertainty, everyone came together to provide the reassurance that, acts of kindness, in any form, are paramount for survival. Let’s make a consciences effort to always remember that this virus helped us look beyond anything superficial and focus on what truly matters. COVID Kindness is extreme, remarkable, unforgettable, and we should all remember this and continue it whenever we have the opportunity.
This pandemic has brought us together in ways we don’t even recognize. It has given us a strength that some of us did not even know we had. So long after the virus is contained, the dust settles, and life slowly slips into a new normal, do not forget the kindness this virus brought out in each one of us. That is why we are and will always remain “Coffee Strong.” Thank you, Coffee County.
Patient and employee safety has been the driving force behind everything we do at Coffee Regional Medical Center. It is and will remain our primary focus.