The water line project on Bryan Street is expected to begin on December 13, 2023, and the City of Douglas will be closing roads associated with the project on Bryan Street. The purpose of closing and partially closing these streets is to ensure public and worker safety while the project is underway. The below closures will be in effect for at least two months from the beginning of the project.
Tentatively beginning Wednesday, December 13, 2023, turning right off of Madison Avenue, East Bryan Street will become a one way/one lane for traffic that will exit right on to Pearl Avenue. The area between the Weir Center and old Gas Department will be closed. East Bryan Street access to Central Square Gym A (old Bryan St. Gym) will be closed. Access to the Youth Center, Weir Center, Art Center, and Library from E. Bryan Street will be closed. Access to Bryan Street from N. Coffee Avenue will be closed. You will not be allowed to travel on West Bryan Street past the Kinetic by Windstream Retail Store.
Please see the map for additional clarity. For more information, please call (912) 389-3444.